Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pictures and videos and fun! (Oh my!)

Yep, I know, really lame Wizard of Oz referance.

Anyways....... here are some pictures of my time in Germany (Don't fret now, more will come later :] )

Okay, I'm going to edit this note and try once again. PICTURES EVERYONE! (I really hope this works.... If it doesn't, I will be very very sad and might just give up... We don't what that to happen now, do we?)

Most of these pictures are from the Rotex Weekend in Neherasiem. But some aren't. So. Just read the captions and that should help you figure out what's what.

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Ok, I got it to work! Yesss I know, I'm amazing! SPAIN, I seriously owe you one! Thank you! Anyways, this is me and another exchange student, Mitch, in this cave we visited. Pretty exciting, no?

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Okay, so this is me in the Steiff Musuem. Yes, dear friends, that is a foot on my shoulder. Why is said foot there? The world may never know...

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Sorry these pictures are so small. Maybe if you click on them, they get bigger? I don't actually know. Anyways. This was a really cool window. If you're laughing at me, let me just say this : IT WAS A REALLY COOL WINDOW, OK?

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Okay. Again, a picture of the Steiff Factory. These were some awesome Elephants.

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Isn't this the coolest cow ever?

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Here is the place we stayed for this AWESOME weekend. Isn't it pretty? I think so.

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This is me with a REALLY cool... thing... I don't know what it was, but it was sure cool! And German and Alvaro (SPAIN) are looking at me like I'm crazy :)

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This is me in an apparently world-famous church that I'd never heard of before! But it sure was amazing!

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This is me walking across a tightrope (with help from Brianna and Eric) later that night!

OKAY that was really difficult. Seriously. And by the way, I lied! These are all from the Rotex Weekend!

So, I'll probably upload more later. But for right now, this should satisfy you. Hope you enjoyed!

Bis später! Chow!


  1. for some reason, I can't see any photos, just a little box with an X in it and the name of the photo. Am I the only one?

  2. No pics, no videos, no fun! (for me, im sure your still having fun) OH MY!

  3. ahaha hmmmmmmmmm you know i can't see any either. weird... ill try editing it and uploading again, to see if that works better :)

  4. thanks to you! spain, i owe you mucho! ich liebe dich! :)
